
Spring is Now –10 Tips for Spring Cleaning

cleaning camera bag

cleaning camera bag

There was no need to do any housework at all. After the first four years the dirt doesn’t get any worse.- Quentin Crisp
You don’t get anything clean without getting something else dirty- Cecil Baxter


The quotes not withstanding, there is an actual need for us to clean stuff.  Sure, I have itchy feet and want to be out taking pictures.  However, when I see those blurry spots on the pics, or the spots, or the camera doesn’t focus as well….. Then it is time to clean everything up.

  1. Take EVERYTHING out of the camera bag(s)
    I found a spare battery that I hadn’t seen in a while, and found my mis placed shutter release cable.  Who knows what mysteries lay awaiting the darkest corners…The reason for bags plural is that everything has dirt, dust, debris.  The flash case, the lens cases, the filter cases (both of them), the compact flash case, the battery cases, etc, etc.
  2. Take the bag(s) outside and pretend that you are a puppy and shake it for all that it is worth,  bat at it and knock it  with it upside down.  Shake all that debris, dirt and dust from the insides.
  3. Get a vacuum and go over the bag(s)  inside and out.
  4. Take a damp cloth and wipe down the inside and outside of the bag.
    If you have had the mis fortune of buying a bad micro fibre cloth (the color comes off in your hand, and in the washing machine) , assuming it is now safe to use, use it to wipe down the bag(s) surfaces.
  5. For Each item that came out of the bags:
    • Wipe it down
    • Carefully stow it where you want it
    • Check to make sure the cloth is not too dirty
  6. Glass, Filters, Lens
    Spend the time to clean them all, that way when you need it, it will be ready.
  7. Sensor Cleaning.
    This is a little daunting if you have never done it, but once you have watched someone do, it, and have the proper tools, it is not difficult or scary.  Moral of this is find someone who can show you.
  8. Consider what you might move to your secondary camera bag (is there a lens you never use?)
  9. What additions over the last year have you wished you had?
    • Headlamp
    • Plastic bags for instant raingear for you or the camera
    • Hex wrench to tighten the tripod
    • Lightweight pair of gloves
    • A spare snack bar (probably in a zip lock)
  10. Is it time for a new bag?  I have lost track of how many bags.  Part of it is how do I count things like the roller duffle that holds light stands?  Has your old one lost its luster, or do you have more stuff that you need to take?  Are you embarking on a new type of photography such as Landscape or Street?  In short do you need a new bag.  I have 3 Think Tank bags (at least) and I like them, and I swear by my  Airporter bag.   Take a look at them and see what you need, but don’t get caught up in the lens lust syndrome.